Our society has become more litigious where lawsuits are becoming more and more commonplace. So, it isn't a question of whether something unexpected will happen, it's really a question of when, and how bad it will be.
Many people still only carry $100,000 of liability coverage on their personal auto and homeowners' policy. It sounds like a lot of money but when you're talking about serious injury, especially if multiple people are involved, $100,000 doesn't go very far when you consider medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional distress, residual pain and scarring, and more.
Umbrella insurance is worth it if the value of your assets exceeds your auto or home liability insurance limits. Umbrella policies are relatively inexpensive, so they are worth the investment if you have significant assets, you're looking to protect from costly liability claims.
Simply put, it adds an extra $1 million, or more, of coverage above your existing policies.
You don't have to be a millionaire to be sued like it.
Umbrella coverage isn't just for high earners. It's for everyone, especially if you:
Own a home
Have regular income
Have retirement savings and other assets to protect
Entertain guests in your home
Have a teenage driver
Host sleepovers, children's parties, carpool children or allow your teen to babysit
Serve on a volunteer board or participate in your HOA
Use social media
Own rental properties
Travel outside the U.S.
Own a watercraft, RV, snowmobile, ATV, golf cart or other "toy"
Have pets
Own firearms or other recreational weapons
How many of these apply to your life? Each one increases your liability and your need for a risk assessment with an independent agent. Understanding your risk helps you better protect yourself and your family.
What if your home or auto insurance doesn't cover a loss?
Were you aware that home and auto insurance doesn't protect you against every type of liability?
Consider these two hypothetical scenarios:
You hear a juicy piece of gossip about one of your neighbors. You share it with your closest friends at a neighborhood BBQ and swear them to silence. Of course, as gossip often does, it gets back to this person. You get sued for slander, but many homeowners' policies don't cover slander.
You've saved the money to go on a romantic vacation to Europe. Instead of taking a tour, you decide to rent a car and see all the major sights on your own timeline. Unfortunately, you forget to drive on the other side of the road and cause a collision and someone is hurt - but your auto policy doesn't cover you while you're outside the U.S. or Canada.
In both these hypothetical scenarios, an umbrella policy may have provided coverage to protect you even though there was no coverage from the primary homeowners or auto insurance (subject to policy limitations and conditions, of course). It might also help with the attorney fees!
The bottom line: a personal umbrella policy could help protect you from a variety of risks when the unexpected happens.
Peace of mind costs less than you think.
Without an umbrella policy, your assets, savings, and even your future income could be at risk if you are held legally responsible for a claim. For about the cost of a dollar a day, umbrella coverage offers an affordable way to prepare for the unpredictable.
Contact American Benefits Agency for a quote or a risk assessment.